Fabio Nisci


PROFILE Experience in design, user experience and development of mobile applications. Joining knowledges gained in academia with a continuous study of new technologies allow me to create more reliable, safe and efficient applications. Ability to work in a team and good knowledge of iOS.Good insight and ability to find ideal solutions to problems resulting from the project specifications.Development and design of mobile applications released on App Store.Afterwards University degree in computer science and Certificate of Attendance to Apple Developer Academy.Internet of things programming for control connected device remotely.I am currently iOS Lead developer in IT company.I like fun and everyday challenging projects requiring …

Heater / Air Conditioner Water Level Tank alarm

I have a condensation heater boiler and some air conditioner units, despite their announced energy efficency they drip condensated water outside throught the drain pipe (as expected).It’s a remote monitoring but this is a very simple task.I made a bit of research and i found a Zigbee battery powered water leak sensor (with external probes) and a small (no powered) floating switch. Replacing the contact sensor with the switch i’am able to trigger an alarm, in my case a notification and voice announcement, on Alexa Echo dot. Parts List Tuya Zigbee water leak sensor (https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005002941769280.html) Steel Floating switch (https://it.aliexpress.com/item/4001037423623.html) Some cables and soldering …

Ikea Hack: Making the air quality sensor VINDRIKTNING smart sensor

powered by ESPHome and Home Assistant Do you want to know more about the air you breath in your home? Check the air quality based on particles (PM2.5) with this stylish and easy-to-use sensor. This sensor checks the air quality by detecting particles (PM2.5) in your home.Use your own power cord and adapter to easily turn on and use the sensor. You just need to connect it to a USB-C cable and wait a few seconds.A light indicates three levels of air quality – green (good), yellow (ok), and red (not good).Recommended to combine with FÖRNUFTIG air purifier. When the air quality is …

RÅGRUND photo by Ikea

Ikea Hack: The rise of the RÅGRUND toilet paper roll holder

IKEA items used: RÅGRUND Other materials and tools:  Solid natural wood legs for furniture 20cm tall Hack instructions: I’m a tech addicted and electronic hobbyist, but this hack didn’t involved any futuristic technology. I bought an Ikea toilet paper holder because my old one broken when fell from the wall and I choose the RÅGRUND for its wood look but after built following the instructions… I realized it’s very short (I want to use it from the floor) maybe in Sweden they put it on other furniture (idk). Every time I need to reach the toilet paper I had to bend on my …

Master Degree Thesis: Wearable ECG monitor with RabbitMQ Distribuited Backend

Full title: ACQUISIZIONE E TRASMISSIONE DEL BIOPOTENZIALE CARDIACO ATTRAVERSO UN LABORATORIO IOT CON SUCCESSIVA ESTRAZIONE E VISUALIZZAZIONE DELLA FREQUENZA CARDIACA PER FINI DIAGNOSTICI Sommario In un mondo sempre piu` interconnesso `e diventata pressante la necessit`a di far aggregare persone e fornire strumentazione condivisa. In questa tesi abbiamo delineato per il nostro laboratorio remoto, una soluzione di analisi esperta per diagnosi mediche su rilevazioni cardiache. Il progetto si chiama ECGdrive ed `e composto da due moduli: 1. ECG Wizard Expertise – installato su un server per connettere i dispositivi ed elaborare il segnale 2. ECG Wizard Report – installato su desktop del medico Il …

Cicero: App per smart city

http://hacknight.makerfairerome.eu/en/ Salve a tutti, Anzitutto vi presentiamo il nostro team: noi siamo gli Alpacas (Fabio, Rose, Carmine, Cristina, Martina) e oggi vi parleremo della nostra nuova applicazione. Abbiamo scelto di lavorare alla challenge che richiedeva l’utilizzo della piattaforma Cisco Spark per realizzare un’applicazione innovativa: Cicero. Cicero è una applicazione iOS che sfrutta la piattaforma Cisco Spark per connettere cittadini e visitatori. Il visitatore ha la possibilitĂ  di scoprire la cittĂ  tramite gli occhi e l’esperienza di qualcuno che la vive tutti i giorni, mentre il cittadino può incontrare nuove persone, entrare in contatto con altre culture e vivere le esperienze piĂš belle di …

ColorBeat: Generate music from pictures you love!

We first had a brainstorming phase, in which we wrote down every word that came to mind when we thought about health and productivity, and then we chose a few topics that we thought were more interesting. The topic we felt closest to was creativity and in particular overcoming the creative block, so our chosen challenge was to “Unstuck your mind by filling your blank page”. Our starting point was to gather information by interviewing artistic and creative people and making a survey. This app is not only for creative people, it can also be a useful tool to distract yourself from everyday …

Raku e le sue avventure: gioco educativo per bambini

https://www.facebook.com/RakuApp “Raku e le sue avventure” è un gioco educativo ed interattivo il cui scopo è quello di insegnare a bambini tra i 9 e gli 11 anni nuove nozioni in maniera semplice e divertente, impegnandoli mentalmente nel risolvere interessanti rompicapo. Lo scopo dell’applicazione è quello di facilitare la comprensione di basilari nozioni di storia e di concetti come le note musicali, i punti cardinali e il peso degli oggetti; di migliorare le abilitĂ  cognitive e la percezione dello spazio e delle dimensioni e di sollecitare il ragionamento. Live an amazing adventure traveling in time with Raku and help him catch the villain …

GIT + GITFLOW: Share knowledge

GIT + GITFLOW: Share knowledge

Did you learn a very useful topic or framework on your own during the last challenge? Probably someone else finds it useful too! Don’t be shy and tell us about your findings! We’ll pick the most interesting topics and setup a 15 minutes lecture conducted by you. Every team should have at least one candidate. Here is an example! Introduction About Being Professional What is Version Control? Why Use a Version Control System? Collaboration Restoring Previous Versions The Basic Workflow of Version Control Starting with an Unversioned Project Ignoring Files Making Your First Commit Branching & Merging Branching can Change Your Life Working …

Employee: sistema di timbratura presenza impiegati

Introduzione Employee rende semplice raccogliere dati di ingresso e uscita degli impiegati per elaborare in modo accurato la paga e garantendo conformitĂ  e controllo attraverso l’utilizzo del codice fiscale. Permette di esportare i risultati in un foglio di calcolo. Prima installazione Check in La prima schermata che viene presentata è “Check In”, questa consente di effettuare l’entrare, e l’uscita, dell’impiegato. Inserire il codice fiscale permette di effettuare il check in, oppure il check out, confermato da un semaforo verde. Nel caso in cui l’operazione fallisse, un semaforo rosso lampeggiante segnalerĂ  l’errore. Inserendo nel campo “codice fiscale” il codice di un amministratore, invece, verrĂ  …