We first had a brainstorming phase, in which we wrote down every word that came to mind when we thought about health and productivity, and then we chose a few topics that we thought were more interesting.
ColorBeat-3_compressedThe topic we felt closest to was creativity and in particular overcoming the creative block, so our chosen challenge was to āUnstuck your mind by filling your blank pageā.
Our starting point was to gather information by interviewing artistic and creative people and making a survey.

This app is not only for creative people, it can also be a useful tool to distract yourself from everyday stress and a starting point for people with a bright imagination. By gathering these info, we came to a solution.
An app whose goal is to assist you in overcoming the creative block and to entertain you, combining all the things we discovered, through the interviews, artists benefit from: such as music and admiring pictures and inspiring places.
Have you ever thought about the sound a sunset or the person you love could create? We thought about this question during the solution research and then suddenly something clicked! What if you could take a photo and receive as response a unique sound or melody
Our app lets you combine two senses such as sight and hearing, associating to colors contained in a picture a unique melody, which makes what you are experiencing even more thrilling.

Other cool features are for example enjoyable notification you get when you leave the app
and the possibility to keep listening in background to your audio.

Some future improvements for our app include making it available on iPad, to insert advertising both during audio streaming and app navigation, the possibility to create a premium account to remove these annoying advertisement by either paying or inviting friends (and to save on your device the audio clip you created).